In line with the Philippine government regulations, we would like to inform you that effective 28 November 2020 all airport passengers (both incoming and outgoing), Crew, Airline employees and all other airport users are required to download and register an account in the TRAZE CONTACT TRACING mobile app prior to entry in the airport premises.
Procedure are as follows;
- Download (at Google Play for Android Apps Store for IOS) and register in the Traze Application for the creation of a unique QR code per person.
- Using the Traze App, scan the QR Codes located at the entrance of all terminals prior to entering the premise/s and
- Once inside the premises, one should scan QR codes upon entry in new areas QR codes will be found in strategic locations of the airport terminals
and administrative building and offices
For those who cannot access the Traze App due to gadget limitations, personnel at the Malasakit help desks (Customer Service) will be on hand to assist them in printing a QR code for their use Data of users will be stored in a server where information may be derived in case of contact tracing need.
For more information, Antaeus’ Team will be happy to assist you!