In April 2021, PricewaterhouseCoopers conducted a consumer survey of 1,300 Americans studying their travel attitude and behaviors. The majority of participants stated that they have plans for at least one air trip or an one-night stay at an away-from home accommodation (whether for leisure or business) within the next year.
But what are the 5 new trends that have emerged given these new findings?
1) Clear upward trend in travel demand
Despite the passengers’ insecurity for their very own safety and health, there is a collective wish of people residing in developed and developing markets to travel. However, travel suppliers need to operate to this end respecting consumer insecurities while also outweighing the demand.
2) Health is the travelers’ main concern
Almost 85% of participants confirmed to have been vaccinated or about to be vaccinated, while it is also remarkable that 70% of them supports vaccination certificates.
3) Travelling is now an option, like it used to be!
Those who managed to travel within the pandemic, highly recommend it to others as well, while 70% encouraged friends to travel by plane and over 50% recommended staying at away-from-home accommodations to those who avoided that because of the quarantine. Only 1 in 10 refrained from recommending travel to others.
4) Business travel is again on the table!
One year after working from home and video calls, corporate travel makes its gradual comeback. The only obstacle is corporate travel policies that are constantly changing due to the circumstances.
5) Shift in consumer loyalty to brands
Loyalty programs appear attractive to consumers, who do not hesitate to turn to other airlines or hotels that provide their customers with more appealing loyalty programs. In particular, almost 80% of the 1,300 participants agreed to change airline and hotel, proving that a new trend is emerging favoring the proper loyalty programs that companies apply in tourism.
Source: tornosnews.gr