What applies to tourist accommodation during the validity of the new restrictive measures in the territory from Monday, 02 August 2021 at 6:00 until Monday, 9 August 2021 at 6:00?
The tourist accommodations of article 1 of law 4276/2014 (A ‘155) operate normally during the above period. It is pointed out that the operating tourist accommodation must have received a “Health First” certification mark and comply with the special protocols of health content, according to which the tourist enterprises operate in the framework of measures against the coronavirus COVID-19.
What applies to domestic flights until Monday 09 August at 06:00 in the morning?
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), in the context of dealing with the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus, issued (press release 31.07.2021 http://www.ypa.gr/news/ti-isxyei-gia-pthseis-prosnhsia) directive to passengers on domestic flights to island destinations.
Passengers from the mainland will travel to island destinations only with the presentation of a vaccination certificate, or a negative test (PCR 72 hours / RAPID 48 hours) or a certificate of illness. For the age group 12-17 years there is also the possibility of boarding with a 24 hour self test.
In particular, all passengers on domestic flights to island destinations must meet one of the following conditions:
1) Have completed at least fourteen (14) days of vaccination for COVID-19 coronavirus and demonstrate a vaccination certificate. In case of foreigners coming from abroad to present a certificate / certificate of vaccination, in Greek, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or Russian, which has been issued by a public authority in accordance with the relevant legislation. The vaccination certificate includes the name of the person, the type of vaccine administered and the number of doses. Alternatively, travelers can carry, in digital or printed form, a European digital certificate COVID-19 (EU DIGITAL COVID-19 CERTIFICATE), as well as third countries, which contains information about the vaccination or the result of the last test (rapid test). 48 hours or 72 hours PCR) or COVID-19 coronavirus disease.
2) Have been diagnosed negative either in a laboratory test for COVID-19 coronavirus by the PCR method within the last seventy two (72) hours before the scheduled travel time or within forty eight (48) hours before their arrival for the test with rapid test. If they are foreigners from abroad, they can present a negative test certificate in Greek, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or Russian.
3) To demonstrate a disease certificate issued thirty (30) days after the first positive test and its validity lasts up to one hundred and eighty (180) days after it.
If these checks have been carried out abroad and are valid at the time of boarding the aircraft, the relevant certificates are accepted under the same conditions under which they were allowed to enter Greece.
The obligation of the conditions is valid for children from twelve (12) years old and over. Especially for minors from 12 to 17 years old, the obligation to board is covered with a negative self-test certificate of 24 hours.
On the return from the islands there is a recommendation for a self test for all those who are over 12 years old.
General instructions to passengers for air travel. The use of a mask is mandatory.
At arrivals and departures within airports, as well as during air flights, staff and passengers are required to wear a protective mask.
Passengers are also required to comply with the instructions of the permanent and temporary staff of airports or airlines responsible for the duties of supervision, crowd management and passenger assistance, in order to maintain the necessary distances and to ensure safe passage and control. to avoid overcrowding.
The control of the above documents is carried out by the employees of the airlines and by sampling by the police authorities. The airlines are obliged to check the traveler before boarding, in order to confirm that he has the necessary documents and in case of violation they have the obligation to repatriate the passenger at their own risk and expense.
What applies to international flights until Thursday 05 August 2021 at 06:00 in the morning?
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), in the context of dealing with the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus, announced to the passenger public (press release 29.07.2021 http://www.ypa.gr/news/nea08) the extension of the air instructions to passengers of foreign flights until Thursday 05 August 2021 at 06:00 in the morning.
In particular, international flight instructions provide:
In relation to the pre-existing airline directive of foreign flights, the electronic form PLF (Passenger Locator Form) can be submitted before the flight instead of the day before the arrival in our country.
Prohibitions of third-country nationals. Conditions for passengers to enter Greece for flights from abroad: The aviation directive prohibits entry into the country of third-country nationals other than the EU and Schengen countries, including their spouses or persons with whom they have entered into cohabitation agreement, as well as their minor children. Excludes passengers traveling for essential reasons and permanent residents of the following 34 countries: Australia, Northern Macedonia, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Belarus, New Belarus, Bahrain, South Bahrain , Qatar, China, Kuwait, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Japan, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Jordan, Moldavia, Moldavia, Moldavia, Moldova *.
What applies to the PLF, the new data: All travelers to Greece, regardless of nationality, fill in the electronic form PLF (Passenger Locator Form), at the electronic address https://travel.gov.gr any time before the departure of the flight to Greece.
Entering Greece with a vaccine certificate or negative PCR / RAPID TEST or disease certificate or digital certificate: For travelers to Greece, the condition for entering the country is one of the following:
1) To have completed at least fourteen (14) days before the vaccination for coronavirus COVID-19 and to present a vaccination certificate, in Greek, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Russian, which has been issued by a public authority.
2) To have been diagnosed negative in a laboratory test for coronavirus COVID-19 by the PCR method within the last seventy two (72) hours, or within forty eight (48) hours before their arrival in Greece for the test with rapid test .
3) Alternatively, travelers to Greece must have a certificate / certificate of illness issued thirty (30) days after the first positive test and its validity lasts up to one hundred and eighty (180) days after it.
4) Flight travelers from abroad may also carry, in digital or printed form, a European digital certificate COVID-19 (EU DIGITAL COVID-19 CERTIFICATE) as well as third countries, which contains information on vaccination or its effect final test (48-hour rapid test or 72-hour PCR) or coronavirus disease.
Tests on children from 12 years and over: The obligation of the conditions (vaccine or negative test or certificate of illness or digital certificate), for entry into Greece is valid for children from twelve (12) years and over.
Sampling of travelers with RAPID TEST: In addition to all international passengers, a rapid test will be performed upon arrival, based on the procedure provided by the Passenger Locator Form. In case the tests find a passenger positive, the quarantine will be valid for 10 days, while if the foreign passenger is vaccinated and the rapid test on arrival shows that he is positive for the disease, he will remain in isolation for 7 days. In both cases (10 or 7 days of temporary restriction), in order to remove the quarantine, the persons are subject to mandatory laboratory testing by PCR on the last day.
Airline instruction for Russian passengers: All travelers / permanent residents from Russia to Greece must have a negative PCR (72 hours) or rapid test (48 hours) certificate. This measure is mandatory and applies to all passengers who are permanent residents of Russia, whether vaccinated or not. In addition, all travelers / permanent residents from Russia will be required to take a test with Covid-19 upon arrival in Greece.
The use of a mask is mandatory: At arrivals and departures inside airports, as well as during air flights, staff and passengers are required to wear a protective mask. Passengers are also required to comply with the instructions of permanent and temporary staff at airports or airports.
What applies to the stores of health interest (restaurants, bars) within tourist accommodation during the validity of the new restrictive measures in the territory from Monday, August 2, 2021 and time 6:00 until Monday, August 9, 2021 and time 6 : 00;
According to the number Δ1α / ΓΠ.οικ. 48487 / 30.07.2021 etc. “Extraordinary measures to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 throughout the territory for the period from Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 to Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:00” (B ‘3481), the operation of companies that have an operating license for a store of health interest and provide catering services indoors only as pure spaces, exclusively for fully vaccinated or sick in the last six months is allowed:
* Maximum completeness eighty five percent (85%) of the license.
* Customers enter upon mandatory demonstration upon entry:
[a] vaccination certificate or
[b] disease certificate issued thirty (30) days after the first positive test and its validity lasts up to one hundred and eighty (180) days after it.
The above certificates, under [a] and [b], are displayed either in hard copy or electronically via the customer’s mobile device, which the owner or legal representative of the company (or authorized person) scans electronically through the special application of Article 33 of the Law 4816/2021 (AD 118) Covid Free GR.
* Minors come with a statement of negative self-test result up to twenty four (24) hours before their arrival which is issued with the care of the parents from the platform at https://selftesting.gov.gr/
It is also allowed to operate businesses, in open space and outdoors located in ventilated galleries (provided that they have two open sides), which have a license for a store of health interest and provide catering services.
Both open and closed spaces operate with the following sanitary conditions:
* Disinfection of catalogs during the rotation of customers at the tables
* Installation of disinfectant product per table
* Mandatory use of mask by staff and customers during waiting time
* Up to ten (10) people per table
* Hosting only seated customers
* Observance of table seating distances and hygiene rules of Annexes 2 to 4, which are an integral part of the above etc.
* Use of bar with placement of two (2) stools together and a distance of one and a half (1.5) meters for each subsequent pair of stools
* Especially in the case of indoor spaces, mandatory posting by document or digitally of the maximum number of people allowed to be inside the space
* Possibility of operation, at the option of the company, with the appropriate marking, with a common purely persons who have been vaccinated or ill during the last six months (and exclusively minors with self-test), applied in proportion to those provided for certification in par. 2 and 3 of Article 10.
The operating conditions of the companies in open (outdoor) also apply:
- a) for the operation of catering services and the operation of outdoor reception areas with a maximum attendance of three hundred (300) people (applicable to the provision for hosting only seated customers, subject to any necessary moves to hold the reception),
- b) for the operation of restaurants, refreshments and cafes of hotels, located outside.
Exceptionally, there are restaurants, refreshments, cafes inside hotels, which serve only the residents and provided that measures are taken to avoid overcrowding and the distances of tables and hygiene rules of Annexes 2 to 4 are observed, which are an integral part. of the above etc.
In addition, the following are defined:
- a) Mandatory use of the mask by the staff, as well as by the residents while waiting.
- b) Up to ten (10) people per table
- c) Completeness of 50% of the capacity as defined in circumstance 2d ‘of par. A of article 14 of the decision of the Minister of Health under the elements Υ1γ / Γ.Π / οικ.47829 / 23.3.2017 (Β’ 2161) on the total internal useful area (OE / 1.3 sq.m.).
- d) Prohibition of live music.
- e) Prohibition of events / gatherings / receptions.
It becomes mandatory to conduct a self-test (self test) for employees and the self-employed of health care stores, who provide work with physical presence, according to the rules under items D1a / GP.oik.32209 / 24.05.2021 etc. .a. “Application of the mandatory measure of the diagnostic control of the disease by coronavirus COVID-19 to employees of the private sector who provide their work with physical presence” (B ‘2192), as amended by the items D1a / GP.oik.35098 / 4.6 .2021 (Β ‘2372) and Δ1α / ΓΠ.οικ.41588 / 2.7.2021 (Β’ 2891) etc., as it is in force from time to time (see article 1, Field of activity 16 of the above etc. a.).
What applies to tourist buses, special tour buses for open or closed city and private buses, during the validity of the new restrictive measures in the territory from Monday, 02 August 2021 at 6:00 until Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:00?
According to the number Δ1α / ΓΠ.οικ. 48487 / 30.07.2021 etc. “Extraordinary measures to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 throughout the country for the period from Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 to Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:00” (B ‘3481), for tourist buses and special tour buses for open or closed type cities, a maximum occupancy of 85% applies, while for private buses a maximum occupancy of 65% applies (see Article 1, Field of activity 18 of the above etc.).
What is valid for the private passenger (E.I.X.) vehicles with driver of law 4093/2012 (A ‘222), during the validity of the new restrictive measures in the territory from Monday, 02 August 2021 and time 6:00 until Monday, 09 August 2021 and time 6:00;
According to the number Δ1α / ΓΠ.οικ. 48487 / 30.07.2021 etc. “Extraordinary measures to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 throughout the country for the period from Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 to Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:00” (B ‘3481), in E.I.X. Vehicles up to seven (7) seats are allowed up to five (5) passengers in addition to the driver, while in E.I.X. Vehicles up to nine (9) seats are allowed up to seven (7) passengers plus the driver.
Exceeding the passenger limit is allowed only if the vehicle is driven by a) only parents with their children. In case the children are adults, the confirmation of this assistance is made by presenting a police ID or other official document (passport or driver’s license) or b) a person who needs help from a second passenger to move (see Article 1, Field activity 18 of etc.).
What applies to the organization of conferences during the validity of the new restrictive measures in the territory from Monday, 02 August 2021 at 6:00 until Monday, 09 August 2021 at 6:00?
According to the number Δ1α / ΓΠ.οικ. 48487 / 30.07.2021 etc. “Extraordinary measures to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 throughout the country for the period from Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 to Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:00” (B ‘3481), it is allowed to conduct conferences in a hybrid way (physical presence and via internet) according to the health protocols of Annex 13 of the above etc. (see article 1, Field of activity 26 of et seq.).
Are there restrictions on yachts and cruise ships during the validity of the new restrictive measures in the territory from Monday, 02 August 2021 at 6:00 until Monday, 09 August 2021 at 6:00?
The rules of Annexes 9 and 10 of D1a / GP. 48487 / 30.07.2021 etc. “Extraordinary measures to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 throughout the country for the period from Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 to Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:00” (B ‘3481) (see article 1, Field of activity 18 of et seq.).
In which places is it obligatory to use the protection mask during the validity of the new restrictive measures in the territory from Monday, 02 August 2021 at 6:00 until Monday, 09 August 2021 at 6:00?
According to article 2 of No. Δ1α / ΓΠ.οικ. 48487 / 30.07.2021 etc. “Urgent measures to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 throughout the territory for the period from Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 to Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:00” (B ‘3481), subject to any more specific provisions, the obligation to use a non-medical mask is imposed, throughout the territory: a) in all indoor spaces, including workplaces, except those who work in a private space without the presence of any another person, b) in all outdoor areas where congestion is observed. The obligation to use a mask excludes persons for whom the use of a mask is not indicated for medical reasons proven by the appropriate documents, such as due to respiratory problems and children under the age of four (4) years.
Source: news.gtp.gr